Monday, April 8, 2013


For this assignment, I was in Thailand spending most of my time at a funeral, as I've mentioned earlier. I couldn't freely take photos of the ritual, mostly a mobile sneak - they also weren't exactly in a continuous coherent sequence as they could have been.  So it's quite hard for me to compile them to make a smooth story flow.  I had to use different video techniques to cover the entire sound clip with the photos short in stock.  Anyhow, the piece aims to depict the departure of one soul concurrent to the arrival of another.  As one family momentarily tries to capture and treasure the transience of existence, through earthly love, longings and attachment, they experience the universal inevitable.  

Link to Video:

PS: the new iMovie is kind of annoying. I couldn't get it to work properly so I ended up playing with Adobe Premiere Pro instead.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

ASSIGNMENT 6 - Sound Concept

For this sound editing assignment, (I was abroad in Thailand, and spent most of the time at a funeral, and other, with my newborn niece) I mixed the ambient sound of a funeral's live Chinese orchestral performance led by a monk who sang. The ritual music was to guide the spirit of the dead to heaven. I combined random vocals of a newborn, using basic techniques like panning, volume automation, layering, and added some echo effects at the end. The piece aims to symbolize the simultaneous occurrence of presence and absence, the juxtaposition of life and death - a life dies and a new one emerges, and it never ends. Below's the link: